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Firefox 99.0.1 maintenance update released

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 12, 2022

Mozilla released Firefox 99.0.1 to the public release channel on April 12, 2022. The maintenance update addresses four issues in the browser, including one issue affecting the Zoom service and another that affected hardware video decoding for some Windows users.

firefox 99.0.1

Firefox 99.0.1 is already available. Most Firefox installations are configured to update automatically, but updates may take a while before they are downloaded and installed automatically. Firefox users may speed up the process in several ways, for instance, by selecting Menu > Help > About Firefox.

The page that opens displays the current version. When it is opened, Firefox will run a check for updates to download and install any update it finds. A restart is required to complete the installation of the new version of Firefox.


Firefox 99.0.1

The first issue addresses a hardware decoding issue on some Windows devices. According to the release notes, hardware video decoding was prevented on some Windows systems with newer Intel drivers. A quick check of the bug report reveals that this was caused by an issue that added drivers to the blocklist incorrectly. It appears that about 13% of all Intel users were affected by this according to the bug report on Mozilla's website. The correct amount would be 0.4% based on blocked drivers.

The second fix addresses a text rendering issue in Bengali. Letters were misplaced according to the bug report.

The third fix addresses a drag & drop bug in the browser's download panel. The report on Bugzilla states that drag & drop did always activate the first item in the listing and not necessarily the item that was selected by the user. Users may drag & drop files from the downloads list to load them in external programs directly.

The fourth and final fix addresses a Zoom Gallery mode access issue. It appears that access was prevented when users went to instead of a subdomain of the zoom domain.

Firefox 99.0.1 is the first point release of Firefox 99. The major release was released on April 5, 2022 to the public.

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Firefox 99.0.1 maintenance update released
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Firefox 99.0.1 maintenance update released
Mozilla released Firefox 99.0.1 to the public release channel on April 12, 2022. It addresses four bugs in the browser.
Ghacks Technology News

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