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Diving at the 1912 Stockholm Summer Games:

Women's Plain High

Diving at the 1912 Summer Games: Next Summer Games


Host City: Stockholm, Sweden
Venue(s): Swimming Stadium, Djurgården Bay, Stockholm
Date Started: July 10, 1912
Date Finished: July 13, 1912
Format: Platform at heights of 5 and 10 metres.

Gold: SWE Greta Johansson
Silver: SWE Lisa Regnell
Bronze: GBR Belle White


This was the first Olympic diving competition for women and it consisted of two compulsory dives from 5 metres and three compulsory dives from 10 metres. Twelve of the 14 competitors were Swedish and seven of the eight finalists were Swedes. Margareta “Greta” Johansson won easily, being placed first by all five judges. She was awarded a gold medal and the Challenge Trophy for the women’s plain high diving, which was donated in 1912 by Christina Nilsson, the Countess de Casa Miranda.

Johansson later emigrated to the United States in 1913, where she married Ernst Brandsten, seventh in 1912 Men’s Plain High Diving. They settled in California and Ernst was coach at Stanford for many U.S. Olympic divers. He was also coach of the U.S. Olympic diving team in 1936 at Berlin.

View a Phase of this EventFinal StandingsFinalRound One

Final Standings

Rank Athlete Age Team NOC Medal
1 Greta Johansson 17 Sweden SWE Gold
2 Lisa Regnell 25 Sweden SWE Silver
3 Belle White 17 Great Britain GBR Bronze
4 Elsa Regnell 22 Sweden SWE
5 Ella Eklund 18 Sweden SWE
6 Elsa Andersson 17 Sweden SWE
7 Selma Andersson 17 Sweden SWE
8 Tora Larsson 21 Sweden SWE
3 p2 r1/2 Gerda Johansson 21 Sweden SWE
4 p2 r1/2 Dagmar Nilsson 18 Sweden SWE
5 p2 r1/2 Ester Edström 19 Sweden SWE
7 p1 r1/2 Willy Thulin 22 Sweden SWE
8 p1 r1/2 Märta Adlerz 15 Sweden SWE
AC p2 r1/2 Hanny Kellner 19 Austria AUT