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Judy Nagel

Full name: Judy Ann Nagel
Gender: Female
Height: 5-4 (163 cm)
Weight: 123 lbs (56 kg)
Born: August 27, 1951 in Seattle, Washington, United States
Affiliations: Crystal Mountain Alpine Club
Country: USA United States
Sport: Alpine Skiing

Related Olympians: Daughter of Jack Nagel.


Judy Nagel skiied on the World Cup circuit from 1967-70, winning three races, her first a giant slalom in LaParva, Chile in 1967. She had 12 World Cup podium finishes, and 29 top 10s. At the 1970 World Championships, Nagel placed fifth in slalom. Nagel came from a skiing family, as her father, Jack Nagel, was known as a ski pioneer in the Northwest teaching many young skiiers at Stevens Pass and Crystal Mountain. Judy’s sister, Cathy Nagel, won three skiing gold medals at the 1968 World Winter University Games in Innsbruck.


Games Age City Sport Event Team NOC Rank Medal
1968 Winter 16 Grenoble Alpine Skiing Women's Giant Slalom United States USA 12
1968 Winter 16 Grenoble Alpine Skiing Women's Slalom United States USA AC DNF

Women's Giant Slalom

Games Age City Sport Country Phase Unit Rank T
1968 Winter 16 Grenoble Alpine Skiing United States Final Standings 12 1:57.39

Women's Slalom

Games Age City Sport Country Phase Unit Rank T
1968 Winter 16 Grenoble Alpine Skiing United States Final Standings AC DNF
1968 Winter 16 Grenoble Alpine Skiing United States Run 1 1 40.19
1968 Winter 16 Grenoble Alpine Skiing United States Run 2 AC DQ
id: 81,905