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Erich Ludwig

Full name: Erich Ludwig
Gender: Male
Affiliations: SC Frankfurt 1880, Frankfurt am Main (GER)
Country: GER Germany
Sport: Rugby

Related Olympians: Brother of Richard Ludwig.

Medals: 1 Silver (1 Total)


Erich Ludwig, and his brother Richard, played on the SC Frankfurt 1880 rugby team that lost to France in the 1900 Olympic final, 27-17. He was also a member of the crew of Southern Germany at the very first representative rugby game, “North vs. South” (result\: 11-3) on 4 November 1900 at Carls-Aue in Kassel. At the 1903 German Athletics Championships Erich Ludwig won the 100 metres. He also set several German records in different disciplines.


Games Age City Sport Event Team NOC Rank Medal
1900 Summer Paris Rugby Men's Rugby Frankfurt Club GER 2T Silver

Men's Rugby

Games Age City Sport Team NOC Phase Unit Rank Date Result Position PTS T C P DG
1900 Summer Paris Rugby Frankfurt Club GER Round-Robin Match #1 2 1900-10-14 Union des Sociétés Français de Sports Athletiques 27, Frankfurt Club 17 Forward 3 1 0 0 0
id: 18,063