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Marek Łbik

Full name: Marek Łbik
Gender: Male
Height: 5-10.5 (180 cm)
Weight: 176 lbs (80 kg)
Born: January 30, 1958 in Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland
Affiliations: Warta Poznań, Poznań (POL)
Country: POL Poland
Sport: Canoeing

Medals: 1 Silver, 1 Bronze (2 Total)


Marek Łbik had the following podium finishes at the Flatwater World Championships: 1st 1986 C2 10000 m (with [Marek Dopierała]), 1st 1987 C2 500 m (with [Marek Dopierała]), 2nd 1985 C2 500 m (with [Marek Dopierała]), 2nd 1986 C2 1000 m (with [Marek Dopierała]), 2nd 1987 C2 1000 m (with [Marek Dopierała]), 2nd 1989 C2 500 m (with [Tomasz Goliasz]), 3rd 1979 C2 500 m (with the non-Olympian Piotr Pawłowski), 3rd 1985 C2 1000 m (with [Marek Dopierała]).


Games Age City Sport Event Team NOC Rank Medal
1980 Summer 22 Moskva Canoeing Men's Canadian Singles, 500 metres Poland POL 5
1980 Summer 22 Moskva Canoeing Men's Canadian Singles, 1,000 metres Poland POL 4 h1 r2/3
1988 Summer 30 Seoul Canoeing Men's Canadian Doubles, 500 metres Poland POL 2 Silver
1988 Summer 30 Seoul Canoeing Men's Canadian Doubles, 1,000 metres Poland POL 3 Bronze

Men's Canadian Singles, 500 metres

Games Age City Sport Country Phase Unit Rank T 2.5cT 2.5cR 2.5-5cT 2.5-5cR
1980 Summer 22 Moskva Canoeing Poland Final Round 5 1:55.90 55.58 5 1:00.32 6
1980 Summer 22 Moskva Canoeing Poland Round One Heat Two 3 Q 1:55.60 56.64 4 58.96 1

Men's Canadian Singles, 1,000 metres

Games Age City Sport Country Phase Unit Rank T 2.5cT 2.5cR 5cT 5cR 7.5cT 7.5cR 2.5-5cT 2.5-5cR 5-7.5cT 5-7.5cR 7.5c-1kT 7.5c-1kR
1980 Summer 22 Moskva Canoeing Poland Repêchage 4 4:20.87 1:03.09 4 2:10.16 3 3:16.90 3 1:07.07 3 1:06.74 4 1:03.97 2
1980 Summer 22 Moskva Canoeing Poland Round One Heat Two 5 4:13.34 59.34 3 2:01.92 3 3:04.72 5 1:02.58 5 1:02.80 5 1:08.62 5

Men's Canadian Doubles, 500 metres

Games Age City Sport Team NOC Partner Phase Unit Date
1988 Summer 30 Seoul Canoeing Poland POL Marek Dopierała Final Round 1988-09-30
1988 Summer 30 Seoul Canoeing Poland POL Marek Dopierała Semi-Finals Heat Two 1988-09-28
1988 Summer 30 Seoul Canoeing Poland POL Marek Dopierała Round One Heat Two 1988-09-26

Men's Canadian Doubles, 1,000 metres

Games Age City Sport Team NOC Partner Phase Unit Date
1988 Summer 30 Seoul Canoeing Poland POL Marek Dopierała Final Round 1988-10-01
1988 Summer 30 Seoul Canoeing Poland POL Marek Dopierała Semi-Finals Heat Two 1988-09-29
1988 Summer 30 Seoul Canoeing Poland POL Marek Dopierała Round One Heat Three 1988-09-27
id: 10,502