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Bobby Jones

Full name: Robert Clyde "Bobby" Jones
Gender: Male
Height: 6-7.5 (203 cm)
Weight: 205 lbs (93 kg)
Born: December 18, 1951 in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Affiliations: North Carolina Tar Heels, Chapel Hill (USA)
Country: USA United States
Sport: Basketball

Medals: 1 Silver (1 Total)

Other SR Links:, College Basketball at


Bobby Jones played college ball at the University of North Carolina. He was a star in college as well as high jumping on the track team, before being drafted in the first round in 1973 by the ABA and again in the first round by the NBA in 1974. He opted for the NBA and thru a series of complicated trades started his pro career with the Denver Nuggets. He played five seasons in Denver, and then eight season with the Philadelphia 76ers. He played in four NBA All-Star games. He finished his career with an 11.5 ppg average, but was primarily known as a defensive stalwart. Eight times he was named to the NBA first-team All-Defensive team. Jones accomplished all this despite playing with asthma and a mild form of epilepsy, both of which required him to take medication throughout his career.


Games Age City Sport Event Team NOC Rank Medal
1972 Summer 20 München Basketball Men's Basketball United States USA 2 Silver

Men's Basketball

Games Age City Sport Team NOC Phase Unit Rank Date Result PTS TRB TOV
1972 Summer 20 München Basketball United States USA Final Round Match 1/2 2 1972-09-09 URS 51, USA 50 0 0
1972 Summer 20 München Basketball United States USA Semi-Finals Match #2 1 1972-09-07 USA 68, ITA 38 2 1
1972 Summer 20 München Basketball United States USA Group A Match #2 1 1972-08-27 USA 66, TCH 35 0 1
1972 Summer 20 München Basketball United States USA Group A Match #6 1 1972-08-28 USA 81, AUS 55 12 1
1972 Summer 20 München Basketball United States USA Group A Match #12 1 1972-08-29 USA 67, CUB 48 4 0
1972 Summer 20 München Basketball United States USA Group A Match #18 1 1972-09-01 USA 96, EGY 31 7 2
1972 Summer 20 München Basketball United States USA Group A Match #24 1 1972-09-02 USA 72, ESP 56 2 0
1972 Summer 20 München Basketball United States USA Group A Match #25 1 1972-09-03 USA 99, JPN 33 10 2
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