Das Otto-Graf-Journal ist eine jährlich erscheinende Zeitschrift, die über die Aktivitäten der MPA Universität Stuttgart und des Instituts für Werkstoffe im Bauwesen im Bereich des Bauwesens berichtet. Es wurde 1991 unter der Leitung von Prof. Hans-Wolf Reinhardt erstmals veröffentlicht und erschien jährlich bis zum Jahr 2006.
2019 wurde anläßlich des 80. Geburtstags des Intitiators Prof. Reinhardt die Tradtition des Otto-Graf-Journals wieder aufgenommen und erstmals seit 2006 wieder ein Volume veröffentlicht.
- S. Aicher, K. Simon: Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity parallel to culm axis of Guadua bamboo (g. Angustifolia) – effect of specimen aspect and slenderness ratios, nodes, density and preservation treatment
Link zum Volltext - G. Dill-Langer, S. Siby, L. Stimpfle, S. Aicher: Hybrid timber-steel-concrete girders – a sustainable alternative for heavy duty applications
Link zum Volltext - T. Fröhlich, S. Castridis: Fatigue behavior of fastenings with supplementary reinforcement: current need for research
Link zum Volltext - S. Gambarelli, J. Ozbolt: 3D hygro-mechanical meso-model for wood
Link zum Volltext - H. Garrecht, S. Reeb, C. Renner, C. Hübner, D. Trebbels: Development of a minimally invasive moisture measurement system for continuous monitoring – moisture damage to the Zeppelin Grandstand in Nuremberg
Link zum Volltext - B. Hejazi, C. Luz, F. Grüner, J. Frick: Chemical and mineralogical compositions of Persian traditional adobe bricks
Link zum Volltext - H. Lakhani, J. Hofmann: Finite element analysis of anchor base plate
Link zum Volltext - M. Markert, S. Castridis, M. Fleck: Influence of concrete moisture on the flexural strength of carbon fibre reinforced concrete
Link zum Volltext - H.W. Reinhardt: Three remarkable cases of structural damage due to imposed deformation
Link zum Volltext - J. Schwarte: Metaethical and modallogical aspects of the imperative of sustainability
Link zum Volltext - D. Streib, S. Aicher, F. Gauss, G. Caussarieu, B. Peter: The timber grid shell of the new elephant house at the zoological-botanical garden Wilhelma in Stuttgart – investigations on joint stiffnesses and capacities
Link zum Volltext - J. Villing, F. Lehmann, M. Schreiner: Detection of fracture in prestressing steel strands using the magnetic flux leakage test considering a variety of physical and geometric parameters
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- S. Aicher, N. Zisi, K. Simon: Screw-gluing of ribbed timber elements – effects of screw spacing and plate stiffness of bond line cramping pressure
Link zum Volltext - M. Claus, C. Tapia, S. Aicher: Bond line characteristics of new edge connections of cross-laminated timber in the weak direction based on milled profiled connection plates from laminated veneer lumber made of beech
Link zum Volltext - M.Y. Eckstein, J. Hofmann: Tests to assess the durability of expansion anchors made of galvanized steel with functional coating under different storage conditions
Link zum Volltext - T. Fröhlich, J. Kempter: Anchor channels under fatigue shear loading
Link zum Volltext - S. Gambarelli, J. Ozbolt: Meso-scale modelling of CFRP-confined concrete: microplane-based approach
Link zum Volltext - H. Garrecht, D. Oexle, L. Lackovic, L. Teichmann: Solar roof tiles – potentials for energy-efficient buildings in historic building stock
Link zum Volltext - H. Hein, J. Schwarte: Chances and limits of statistical methods to capture uncertainties in life cycle assessment.
Link zum Volltext - H. Lakhani, J. Hofmann: Concrete cone failure of headed stud under different fire exposure
Link zum Volltext - S. Laumann, F. Lehmann, J. Hofmann: An approach for ultrasound-based ultimate load prediction of fasteners in concrete
Link zum Volltext - F. Lehmann, M. Schreiner, S. Laumann: The new DGZfP guideline monitoring of civil engineering structures.
Link zum Volltext - Popp, T.: Various test methods for characterising the anchor pull-through resistance in mineral wool
Link zum Volltext - H. W. Reinhardt, O. Mielich, H. Özkan: How can we explain cracks on the surface of ASR damaged concrete?
Link zum Volltext - J. Schwarte, H. Hein: On the sustainability assessment of building materials and components
Link zum Volltext - E.J. Stehle, A. Sharma: Post-installed anchors in corner investigations - numerical investigation
Link zum Volltext - L. Stimpfle, C. Tapia, J.L. Wenker, S. Aicher: Experimental and numerical investigations on glued joints for wide-span timber trusses
Link zum Volltext - C. Walther, V. Birtel: Pull-out tests to demonstrate the influence of concrete humidity on the fatigue of bond
Link zum Volltext - M. Zeberer, M. Markert: Development of waterproof lightweight mortar for slim structural elements – as a concrete canoe
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- M.Y. Eckstein, M. Panzehir, J. Hofmann: Testing of fasteners under static load with repeated crack opening
Link zum Volltext - T. Fröhlich, S. Castridis: Detection of fatigue damage in fasteners using ultrasound
Link zum Volltext - S. Gambarelli, J. Ozbolt: Dynamic fracture of concrete in compression: 3D finite element analysis at meso- and macro-scale
Link zum Volltext - S. Geiger, H. Lakhani, J. Hofmann: Heat transfer analysis of bonded anchors in solid and perforated calcium silicate masonry stones
Link zum Volltext - H. Hein, J. Schwarte: Subsystems and groups in life cycle assessments with vague input data
Link zum Volltext - B. Hejazi, J. Frick, H. Garrecht: Detrioration factors of delicate materials
Link zum Volltext - H. Lakhani, J. Hofmann, A. Grübel: Fire resistance of simply supported reinforced concrete beams with tension lap splices
Link zum Volltext - P.-R. Lazik, J. Bosnjak, E. Cetin, A Kücük: Application of wood ash as a substitute for fly ash and investigation of concrete properties
Link zum Volltext - F.A. Lehmann: Non-destructive testing and monitoring as elements of building inspection
Link zum Volltext - M. Markert, R. Brodscholl, J. Katzmann: Development of an ultrasonic testing method for continous measurements on concrete with different moisture levels under compressive fatigue loading
Link zum Volltext - M. Markert, H. Laschewski: Influencing factors on the temperature development in cyclic compressive fatigue tests: an overview
Link zum Volltext - O. Mielich: Use of ASR damaged concrete pavements as recycled aggregates in road construction
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger: Corrosion problems of stainless steel components in indoor swimming pools
Link zum Volltext - C. Öttl: Partial reconstruction of the runway at Stuttgart airport – quality management during removal and concrete placement
Link zum Volltext - J. Ozbolt, L. Lackovic, K. Tian: Influence of preloading on the concrete edge failure of single stud anchor after fire exposure
Link zum Volltext - M. Panzehir, J. Hofann: Influence of hte support of adhesive anchors systems with and without sleeve in solid calcium silicate bricks
Link zum Volltext - T. Popp: Study on the moisture migration within a hygroscopic thermal insulating material from wood fibre during the measurementof thermal conductivity
Link zum Volltext - H.W. Reinhardt, O. Mielich: On the effect of superabsorbent polymers on compressive creep of concrete
Link zum Volltext - N. Sakiyama, J. Frick, H. Garrecht: HMT modelling of exterior walls submitted to harsh test condition
Link zum Volltext - P. Schmieder, J. Hofmann: Wetting and adhesion of liquids on surfaces
Link zum Volltext - J. Schwarte, H. Hein: Hermeneutics and pragmatics on the concept of sustainability
Link zum Volltext - A. Sharma, J. Bosnjak, A. Chittapuram Praveen Kumar: Bond between steel and steel fiber reinforced concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures
Link zum Volltext - C. Tapia, L. Stimpfle, S. Aicher: A new column-to-slab connection for multi-storey timber buildings
Link zum Volltext - M. Tonidis, A. Sharma, J. Bosnjak: Influence of the aspect ratio on the shear strength of 3D beam column
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- S. Aicher, N. Zisi, I. Sustersic: Load sharing and damage redundancy of ribbed wooden elements
Link zum Volltext - B. Bokor, A. Sharma, J. Hofmann: A new spring model for concrete cone failure of anchorages under tension
Link zum Volltext - J. Bošnjak, S. Gambarelli, A. Sharma, A. Mešković: Experimental and numerical studies on masonry after exposure to elevated temperatures
Link zum Volltext - J. Bošnjak, H. Schellhorn, E. Dilek, C. Öttl: Concerning the use of ground coal bottom ash as a partial substitute for cement
- R. Eligehausen, A. Sharma, J. Asmus: Behavior and design of fastenings with headed studs with supplementary reinforcement close to an edge under shear loads perpendicular to the edge
Link zum Volltext - T. Fröhlich, D. Lotze: Fatigue of fastenings – Investigations on the effect of static load level
Link zum Volltext - W. Fuchs: Design of inserts for lifting and handling of precast concrete elements – State of the art
Link zum Volltext - S. Gambarelli, J. Ožbolt: Interaction between damage and time-dependent deformation of concrete: 3D FE parametric study at meso-scale
Link zum Volltext - H. Garrecht, C. Baumert: Rheology-based mixing process to ensure uniform workability of demanding concrete mixes
Link zum Volltext - J. Hofmann, L. Dambach, C. Köse: Corrosion of bonded anchors in concrete
Link zum Volltext - J. Hofmann, H. Lakhani, J. Aggarwal: Post installed rebars – pull-out capacity during fire
Link zum Volltext - W. Klöck: Lay-up factors for wood-based cross-ply laminates
Link zum Volltext - H. Lakhani, J. Ožbolt: Numerical investigations on the behaviour of reinforced concrete columns exposed to fire
Link zum Volltext - F.A. Lehmann, F.I. Harger Sakiyama, R.M. Fackler: Fibre optic measurement systems for building monitoring
Link zum Volltext - O. Mielich: Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) on German motorways: An overview
Link zum Volltext - B. Müller: Time-dependent deformation behaviour of SAP-modified concrete
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger, E.C. Köse: Causes and mechanisms of corrosion for supporting structures of rooftop photovoltaic systems
Link zum Volltext - H. Özkan: Influence of specimen geometry and size on expansion due to alkali-silica reaction
Link zum Volltext - T. Popp: Experimental study on shear behaviour of four different thermal insulating materials
Link zum Volltext - N. Sadeghi, A. Sharma: Pull-out test for studying bond strength in corrosion affected reinforced concrete structures - A review
Link zum Volltext - N. Sakiyama, J. Frick, H. Garrecht: Determination of U-values of render systems supposed to weathering
Link zum Volltext - P. Schmieder: Adhesive anchors on concrete surfaces
Link zum Volltext - J. Schwarte, H. Hein: “Certainty”, “Safety” and “Security” in civil engineering science with respect to LCA
Link zum Volltext - M. Stegmaier, F. Grüner: Investigations on masonry of the Blue Tower in Bad Wimpfen
Link zum Volltext - E.J. Stehle, A. Sharma: Numerical investigation of anchor groups under seismic tension actions
Link zum Volltext - M. Stipetic: Aerogel-based materials and their development particularities
Link zum Volltext - C. Tapia, S. Aicher: Evaluation of design concepts for holes in glulam beams - Comparison with test results
Link zum Volltext - M. Tóth, J. Hofmann: Programme loading fatigue tests on cast-in headed studs
Link zum Volltext - N. Vita, A. Sharma, J. Hofmann: Strengthening of anchorages with post-installed supplementary reinforcement under shear loading
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- H. W. Reinhardt: New German guideline for design of concrete structures for the containment of hazardous materials
Link zum Volltext - C. Gehlen, C. Dauberschmidt, U. Nürnberger: Condition control of existing structures by performance testing
Link zum Volltext - C. Öttl: Frost/deicing salt resisitance of concrete pavements with unsuitable air void characteristics
Link zum Volltext - C. Piehl, S. Mönnig: A model for the prediction of the material attributes of hybrid high strength concrete
Link zum Volltext - A. Jüngert, C.U. Grosse: Measurements of the vibrations of a building
Link zum Volltext - T. Bräutigam, H. Bossenmaier: Current state of the horizontal drilling technique for long drainage borings to drain sliding slopes
Link zum Volltext - B. Breyer, C. Vogt-Breyer, S. Crienitz, G. Sawade, R. Wellhäusser: Assessment of pile bearing capacity by load tests and numerical analysis
Link zum Volltext - M. Schrank, G. Dill-Langer, S. Aicher: An object oriented modelling approach for structures with statistically distributed defects
Link zum Volltext - B. Dujic, S. Aicher, R. Zarnic: Racking behaviour of light prefabricated cross-laminated massive timber wall diaphragms subjected to horizontal actions
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, M. Schrank: Shear reinforcement of glulam beams with glued-in steel rods - a case study
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- H. W. Reinhardt: Concrete with enhanced durability
Link zum Volltext - S. Xu, H. W. Reinhardt: Shear fracture on the basis of fracture mechanics
Link zum Volltext - T. Wüstholz: A model approach to describe the fresh properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC)
Link zum Volltext - G. Volland, G. Krause, D. Hansen, D. Zöltzer: Organic pollutants in indoor air – basics and problems
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger: Stainless steel reinforcement - a survey
Link zum Volltext - T. Jahn: Experimental identification of the grade of prestressing of a reinforced concrete slab with unbonded prestressing
Link zum Volltext - S. Lehner: European fire classification of construction products, new test method “SBI”, and introduction of the European classification system into German building regulations
Link zum Volltext - M. Stegmaier: Heat curing of self-compacting concrete (SCC)
Link zum Volltext - M. J. Greitmann, P. Deimel: Friction stir welding – innovative technology for joining aluminium components
Link zum Volltext - S. Mönnig: Water saturated super-absorbent polymers used in high strength concrete
Link zum Volltext - A. Jüngert, J. H. Kurz: Layer thickness determination of polymer concrete
Link zum Volltext - R. Beutel, T. Öztürk, C. U. Grosse: Comparative evaluation of cementitious materials on early age with ultrasonic wave transmission, wave reflection and impact-echo measurements
Link zum Volltext - W. Klöck: Statistical analysis of the shear strength of glued laminated timber based on full-size flexure tests
Link zum Volltext - M. Krüger: Scanning impact-echo techniques for crack depth determination
Link zum Volltext - B. Dujic, S. Aicher, R. Zarnič: Investigations on in-plane loaded wooden elements – influence of loading and boundary conditions
Link zum Volltext - G. Dill-Langer, S. Aicher, W. Bernauer: Reflection measurements at timber glue-lines by means of ultrasound shear waves
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, R. Finn: Joints in timber structures loaded perpendicular to grain – comparison of design approaches
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- H.-W. Reinhardt: Development of concrete construction In Europe
Link zum Volltext - M. Stegmaier, H.-W. Reinhardt: Fire behaviour of plain self-compacting concrete (SCC)
Link zum Volltext - W. Klöck: Determination of characteristic values for structural timber
Link zum Volltext - J. H. Kurz: Signal conditioning of acoustic emissions and ultrasound signals – mind the traps
Link zum Volltext - M. Krüger, C. U. Große: Structural health monitoring with wireless sensor networks
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, R. Finn: Fracture characterization of cellulose fiber gypsum composite subject to inplane tension loading
Link zum Volltext - Y. He, D. Manful, A. Bárdossy, G. Dill-Langer, T. Ringger, S. Aicher: Fuzzy Logic based de-noising of ultrasound signals from non-destructive testing
Link zum Volltext - F. Finck, G. Manthei: On near-field effects in signal based acoustic emission analysis
Link zum Volltext - O. Mielich, C. Öttl: Practical investigation of the sulfate resistance of concrete from construction units
Link zum Volltext - U. Herterich, G. Volland, T. Wüstholz, M. Stegmaier: Leaching properties of self compacting concrete (SCC)
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- H.-W. Reinhardt: Otto Graf´s research on concrete roads - a retrospective view
Link zum Volltext - H.-J. Ruck: Application of the ultrasonic phase spectroscopy on construction materials
Link zum Volltext - F. Finck: Introduction of a ground penetrating radar system for investigations on concrete structures
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger: High strength stainless steel - alternative materials for tension members in civil engineering
Link zum Volltext - M. Stegmaier: Fiber reinforced drainage concrete
Link zum Volltext - S. Mönnig: Modelling of the hydration of high performance concrete with normal and lightweight aggregates
Link zum Volltext - W. Beul, K. Menzel: Corrosion damages caused by cast magnesite floor screed
Link zum Volltext - U. Herterich, G. Volland, G. Krause, D. Hansen: Determination of concrete admixtures in concrete by NMR spectroscopy
Link zum Volltext - J. H. Kurz, V. Wolter, G. Bahr, M. Motz: Concepts of transient recorder development for acoustic emission analysis
Link zum Volltext - S. Xu, H.-W. Reinhardt, Z. Wu, Y. Zhao: Comparison between the double-k fracture model and the two parameter fracture model
Link zum Volltext - J. Bossert, J. Ožbolt, G. Grassegger: Finite-element modelling of the conservation effects of an artificial resin on deteriorated heterogenous sandstone in building restoration
Link zum Volltext - T. Wüstholz: Fresh properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC)
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, W. Klöck, G. Dill-Langer, B. Radović: Nails and nailplates as shear connectors for timber-concrete composite constructions
Link zum Volltext - L. Höfflin, S. Aicher: Design of rectangular holes in glulam beams
Link zum Volltext - T. Ringger, L. Höfflin, G. Dill-Langer, S. Aicher: Measurements of acoustic anisotropy of soft and hard wood; effects on source location
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- U. Nürnberger: Corrosion induced failures of prestressing steel
Link zum Volltext - J. Küenzlen, R. Eligehausen: Load bearing behaviour of fastenings with concrete screws
Link zum Volltext - C. Lutz: Prestressed hollow-core concrete slabs - problems and possibilities in fastening techniques
Link zum Volltext - H. W. Reinhardt, A. Pfingstner: Pore-size determination from penetration tests on concrete with ndecane
Link zum Volltext - F. Grüner: Analysis of crystalline materials preserves in a Palestine Kohl Vessel from the 4th century A.D.
Link zum Volltext - F. Finck: Acoustic emission analysis of SFRC beams under cyclic bending loads
Link zum Volltext - C. U. Grosse: About the improvemenl of US measurement techniques for the quality control of fresh concrete
Link zum Volltext - M. Krüger, J. Ozbolt, H.-W. Reinhardt: A discrete bond model for 3D analysis of textile reinforced and prestressed concrete elements
Link zum Volltext - W. Harre: Experimental realisation of a pretentious testing task on the field of pioneer bridge structures
Link zum Volltext - H. Schad, G.Gay: Geotechnical aspects and observations of a quarry reclamation
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, G. Dill-Langer, T. Ringger: Non-destructive detection of longitudinal cracks in glulam beams
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, L. Höfflin, W. Behrens: Determination of local and global modulus of elasticity in wooden boards
Link zum Volltext - S.Aicher, O. Kalka, R. Scherer: Transient temperature evolution in glulam with hidden and non-hidden glued-in steel rods
Link zum Volltext - S. Moennig: Modelling of concrete hydration
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- Ožbolt, H.-W. Reinhardt: Sustained loading strength of concrete modelled be creep-cracking interaction
Link zum Volltext - C. U. Grosse: Overview of the IWB activities on the field of non-destructive testing
Link zum Volltext - M. Krüger, H.-W. Reinhardt, M. Fichtlscherer: Bond behaviour of textile reinforcement in reinforced and prestressed concrete
Link zum Volltext - M. Jooss: Leaching of concrete under thermal influence
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger: Corrosion of metals in contact with mineral building materials
Link zum Volltext - H.-J. Ruck, R. Beutel: A new method to analyse impact-echo signals
Link zum Volltext - M. Hoehler, J. Ožbolt: Three-dimensional reversed-cyclic analysis of reinforced concrete cembers using the microplane model
Link zum Volltext - K. Zeus: Rules for screed materials according to european standards
Link zum Volltext - M. Jarczynski: Acoustic emission of pencil leads and glass capillaries in a water filled basin
Link zum Volltext - F. Finck: Application of the moment tensor inversion in material testing
Link zum Volltext - C. U. Grosse, H.-W. Reinhardt: Fresh concrete monitored by ultrasound methods
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, L. Höfflin, W. Behrens: A study on tension strength of finger joints in beech wood laminations
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, W. Klöck: Linear versus quadratic failure criteria for inplane loaded wood based panels
Link zum Volltext - G. Gay, H. Schad: Landslides and rockfall in Keuper
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- H.-W. Reinhardt: Structural behaviour of high performance concrete
Link zum Volltext - G. Gay, H.Schad: Influence of cement und lime additives of the compaction properties and shear parameters of fine grained soils
Link zum Volltext - R. Koch: Temperature measurements al the Nesenbach-valley bridge
Link zum Volltext - H.-J. Ruck;., C. U. Grosse:, H.-W. Reinhardt FRESHCON 2. 0 - Software for data acquiisition and data analysis
Link zum Volltext - K. Zeus, T. Popp : Load capacity of masonry made of flat-bricks and cover up thin layer mortars
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger: Supplementary corrosion protection of reinforcing steel
Link zum Volltext - R. Rück. M. Weschler: Numerical simulation of the pendulum test with a glass plate
Link zum Volltext - J. Ozbolt, H.-W. Reinhardt: Numerical study of mixed-mode fracture in concrete structures
Link zum Volltext - C.U. Grosse. H.-W. Reinhardt, S. Köble: Ultrasound. scanning electro microscopy and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy - Comparison of results investigating the hydration process in cementitious materials
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, G. Dill-Langer: Basic considerations to rolling shear modulus in wooden boards
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, L. Höfflin: A contribution to the analysis of' glulam beams with round holes
Link zum Volltext - C. Öttl: Reuse of fresh concrete hy adding a recycling aid
Link zum Volltext - C. Laskowski: Influence of liquid concrete curing compounds with higher curing efficiency on the resis1ance to skidding of road surfacing
Link zum Volltext - D.-Hansen, G. Volland, G. Krause. D. Zoeltzer: Determination and occurrence of organophosphorous compounds (POC) in house dust and indoor air
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- H.-W. Reinhardt, J. Kümmel: Some tests on creep and shrinkage of recycled lightweight concrete
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger, W. Beul: Corrosion of stainless steel reinforcement in cracked concrete
Link zum Volltext - M. Aktas, C. Laskowski, G. Volland: Determination of portlandite and other cement compounds in hardened cement paste after squeezing pore solution with high pressure
Link zum Volltext - H.Schad: Foundations of power line pylons on gypsum bearing soil
Link zum Volltext - M. Zecho, U. Nürnberger, K. Menzel: Field tests on thermally sprayed zinc-( aluminium)-coatings in steel
Link zum Volltext - M. Schreyer, J. Schwarte: A virtual advisor for recycling processes in concrete construction
Link zum Volltext - G. Krüger, R. Schneider: An elastic adhesion system for structural bonding of facade panels
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, G. Dill-Langer: Long term strength of spruce solid wood at transverse tension loading
Link zum Volltext - A. Pfingstner: Determination of concrete pore structure parameters from penetration tests with n-decane
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, L. Höfflin: A long-term perfomance test of eccentrically loaded sandwich wall elements with wood-based skins
Link zum Volltext - A. T. Herb, C. U. Grosse, H.-W. Reinhardt: Ultrasonic testing device for mortar
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- E. Burr, K.-U. Vieth, S. A. Shapiro: Processing and imaging simulated ultrasonic B-scans of concrete
Link zum Volltext - H.-W. Reinhardt, L. Gollas: Bond of aramid composite bars in concrete after exposure to temperature cycles
Link zum Volltext - H.-W. Reinhardt, M. Jooss: Permeability, diffusion, and capillary absorption of concrete at elevated temperature in the service range
Link zum Volltext - D. Hansen, G. Volland: Study about the contamination of PAH in rooms wich tar parquetry adhesives
Link zum Volltext - T. Bräutigam, A. Knöchel, M. Lehne: Prognosis of uni-axial compressive strength and stiffness of rocks based on point load and ultrasonic tests
Link zum Volltext - R. Lehmann: Rear attachment of panels for ventilated curtain walls
Link zum Volltext - G. Krüger, G. Völkel: Actual problems of structural sealant glazing
Link zum Volltext - H. Falter, H.-W. Reinhardt: Tests on reproduced byzantine masonry
Link zum Volltext - H.-W. Reinhardt, T. Rinder: High strength concrete under sustained tensile loading
Link zum Volltext - K. Komatsu: Glued-in hardwood dowels as an alternative timber end-joining device
Link zum Volltext - G. Krüger: Temperature effects on the structural behaviour of laminated safety glass
Link zum Volltext - M. Zecho, K. Menzel, U. Nürnberger: The performance of thermally sprayed zinc coatings as anode for cathodic protection on reinforced concrete
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, M. Wolf, G. Dill-Langer: Heat flow in a glulam joist with a glued-in steel rod subjected to variable ambient temperature
Link zum Volltext - S. Aicher, L. Höfflin, M. Wolf: Influence of specimen geometry on stress distribution in pull-out tests of glued-in steel rods in wood
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger: Corrosion induced failures in prestressed concrete structures and preventative measures
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- H.-W. Reinhardt, A. Pfingstner: Fuel penetration compared to water penetration Into concrete
Link zum Volltext - E. Burr, N. Gold, C. Grosse, H.-W. Reinhardt: Simulation of ultrasonic flaw-detection in concrete with varying percentage of air inclusions
Link zum Volltext - E. Burr, C. Grosse, H.-W. Reinhardt: Application of a modified saft-algorithm on synthetic B-scans of coarse grained materials
Link zum Volltext - R. Koch: Shear punching failure of lattice girder flooring
- W. Manns: Long-term influence of aggressive carbonic acid upon the bearing capacity of ground anchors
- U. Nürnberger, W. Beul: Hydrogen-induced stress corrosion cracking (HI-SCC) of prestressing steels submitted to pulsating tensile stresses
- F. Knödler, K. Zeus: About the resistance of rendered facing leafs to the formation of cracks of cavity masonry with core insulation
- S. Weber, R. Eligehausen, B. Lehr, T. Sippel: Plastic anchors in hollow brick masonry
Link zum Volltext - H.-W. Reinhardt, R. Koch: Size effect of bearing strength of high-strength concrete
- D. Hansen: Methods of analysing ambient air volatile and semi volatile organiccompounds
- G. Sawade, H.-J. Krause, U. Gampe: Nondestructive examination of prestressed tendons by the magnetic stray field method
- R. Brinkmann: Accreditation of testing laboratories and certification bodies, preconditions and accreditation procedures, German Accreditation System DAP
- G. Gay, H. Schad: Shear parameters at the interface of two asphalt layers in an asphalt
sealing system of a household waste tip - J. Frick, G. Sawade, H. Schuh: Defect localisation in pillars of marble by ultrasonic tomography
- L. Piiri, G. Grassegger, T. Ilomets: Decay mechanisms of and conservation strategies for ancient terracottas and bricks from the St. Johannis Kathedral at Dorpat/Estonia
- J. Dörfel, G. Volland: Results of leaching tests of cement stabilised fly ashes from garbage disposal plants leached with saturated brine under realistic conditions
- S. Aicher, G. Dill-Langer: Climate induced stresses perpendicular to the grain in glulam
- S. Aicher, J. Herr: Bonded glulam-steel rod connections with long anchorage length
Link zum Volltext - B. Weiler, S. Xu, U. Maier: Acoustic emission analysis applied to concrete under different loading conditions
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- R. Koch: Fiber -reinforced concrete panels as permanent formwork for flat slabs
- H. Lünser: Research project on the environmental impact of engineering structures
Link zum Volltext - P. Huth: The use of fluorescent microscopic techniques in the assessment of damage to sealing systems of buildings
- D. Hansen: Examination of the transfer of dust contaminated with polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorodibenzofurans from the loft into the appartments below
Link zum Volltext - C. Laskowski: Iron(il)-sulfate as concrete admixture for chromium (VI) reduction
Link zum Volltext - G. Volland, D. Zöltzer: Emissions of terpenes and aldehydes from "biopaints" -results of measurements in A 1m3-test-chamber and indoor measurements in buildings
Link zum Volltext - T. Popp: The effect of a foam upon the drying behaviour and the length changes of a lightweight concrete with voids and cellular lightweight aggregates
Link zum Volltext - B. Weiler, C. Grosse: Pullout behaviour of fibers in steel fiber reinforced concrete
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger: Inhibitors in concrete structures
- F. Grüner: Alteration of wall paintings affected by soluble salts
- S. Aicher: Mechanical properties of a new structural composite lumber product "cross-beam" with emphasis on shear capacity
- H.-W. Reinhardt, C. Grosse, B. Weiler, J. Bohnert, N. Windisch : P-wave propagation in setting and hardening concrete
Link zum Volltext - J.-M. Jailloux, K. Menzel, M. Zecho : Corrosion protection of steel in soil by spra yed zinc-aluminium coatings
- R.Wohlfahrt: Stress distribution in heat-toughened glass
Link zum Volltext - S.Aicher, G. Dill-Langer: Influence of cylindrical anisotropy of wood and loading conditions on off-axis stiffness and stresses of a board in tension perpendicular to grain
Link zum Volltext
- M. Sosoro : Liquid displacement in concrete by capillary forces
- H.W. Reinhardt, M. Sosoro, X.-F. Zhu: Tightness of concrete with repaired cracks
- G. Balázs, R. Koch: Bond characteristics under reversed cyclic loading
- K. Zeus: Concrete after an outdoor exposure over 50 years
- C. Laskowski: Investigations on the water retention efficiency of curing compounds
- W. Harre: The development of the dauerschwellbiege- versuch for testing asphalt surfacings of steel bridge deck plates
- L. Krüger: SFB 381 - characterization of the development of damage in fiber reinforced material by means of nondestructive testing
- B. Weiler, C. Grosse: Elastic constants - their dynamic measurement and calculation
Link zum Volltext - F. Schindowski, N. Gold, E. Burr, H.W. Reinhardt: Ultrasonic wave propagation in concrete: a random media approach
- B. Weiler,C. Grosse: Calibration of ultrasonic transducers - a comparative study of different methods
Link zum Volltext - N. Mikhailov, C. Große: An automatic picker of the onset time of acoustic emission signals
- B. Weiler: State assessment of sandstone by ultrasonic measurements
Link zum Volltext - U. Nürnberger, W. Beul: Fatigue behaviour of reinforced concrete structures in sea water
- K. Menzel: Mineral deposition on metals by galvanic current
- G. Gay, H. Schad: Asphalt-soil-sealing systems and some of their mechanical properties
- S. Aicher, M. Gierl: Mode ii fracture energy of spruce in forward shear along the grain
- S. Aicher, M. Gierl, W. Klöck: A study on mode ii specimens for wood with emphasis on fracture energy determination
- M. Aufrecht, H.-W. Reinhardt: Investigations on the tightness of concrete for gas stations
- G.L. Balázs, R. Koch: Bond behaviour under random cyclic loading
- G. Funk: Conteces - computer-aided consulting in concrete surface matters
- C. Große, H.-W. Reinhardt: Continuous ultrasound measurements during setting and hardening of concrete
- W. Harre: Carrying capacity and deformation behaviour of bolted connections in StE 690/10.9
- G. Krüger, J. Frick: Investigation of sandstone - stone replace- ment material compounds by holographic interferometry
- K. Menzel, F. Paul, D. Sonnentag: Advanced techniques for corrosion monitoring of steel in concrete
- U. Nürnberger: Stress corrosion behaviour of high strength prestressing steel under practical conditions
- H.-W. Reinhardt, A. Schön: Concentrated load on high strength concrete
- R. Wohlfahrt: Determination of the load bearing capacity of large-scale glass panes by detail tests
- D. Zöltzer: Strategies for monitoring indoor air pollution
- S. Aicher, M. Gierl: concentrated load aspects of sandwich panels with thick especially wood based faces
- M. Aufrecht, H.-W. Reinhardt: Decontamination of uncoated concrete from hazardous organic fluids by thermic treatment
- G. Balázs, C. Große, R. Koch, H.-W. Reinhardt: Acoustic emission monitoring on steel- concrete interaction
- R. Danz, R. Wohlfahrt: Trussed glass plates
- J. Frick, G. Weiß: Thermographic behaviour of the north fa€ade of the minster in Salem
- G. Funk, H.-W. Reinhardt: Conteces - An object-oriented expert system for diagnosis and repair of concrete structures
- C. Große, H.-W. Reinhardt: Basis for the determination of the elastic parameters in concrete refering to meas- urings of body and surface wave velocities
- R. Koch, G. Balázs: Slip increase under cyclic and long term loads
- G. Krüger, H. Zhu: Determination of material properties in structural sealant glazing applications
- W. Manns, B. Neubert: Strength development of shotcrete with high quantity of accelerating additives
- U. Nürnberger, W. Beul, G. Onuseit: Corrosion behaviour of welded stainless reinforced steel in concrete
- H.-W. Reinhardt, M. Aufrecht: Simultaneous transport of an organic fluid and gas in concrete
- H.-W. Reinhardt, F. Paul: Crack width control in RC by aramid skin reinforcement
- M. Sosoro : Determination of the penetration depth of volatile fluids in concrete using thermography
- G. Weiß: Determination of molasse sandstone varieties and their properties at the minster of salem (frg) with special regards to geochemistry
- S. Aicher, C. Große, M. Gappoev: Investigations on accustic emission in softwood crack initiation and growth
- M. Aufrecht: Investigations on the tightness of impregnated concrete against hazardous organic fluids
- R. Brinkmann: The accreditation of the testing activities of testing laboratories, consulting engineers and technical experts - a contribution to increase trust and reduce trade barriers in united europe
- G. Funk: REPCON - an expert system for diagnosis and repair of damages at concrete structures
- C. Große, H.-W. Reinhardt: The resonance method - application of a new nondestructive technique which enables thickness measurements at remote concrete parts
- R. Koch, G. Balázs: Computer controlled testing
- B. Kipp: Upon the necessity to define boundery conditions in testing near to practice
- W. Manns, B. Neubert: Mechanical - technological properties of shotcrete with accelerating admixtures
- M. Nimmesgern: Large scale biaxial creep tests on a polypropylene geogrid
- U. Nürnberger: Special corrosion problems in post-tensioned structures
- G. Sawade: Detection of ruptures on prestressing wires behind magnetic shields using leakage flux measurement
- D. Zöltzer, G. Volland: Systematical errors by determining wood preservatives
- S. Aicher: Investigations on glued structural timber-steel
- M. Aufrecht,H.-W. Reinhardt: Concrete as a second surrounding system against hazardous organic fluids
- G. Gay: Some mechanical properties of dewatered and dried sewage sludge
- G. Grassegger, F. Grüner: Extraction of salts on monuments - evaluation of results from applications and boundery conditions
- C. Große: Detection of cracks in reinforced concrete - an introduction to the problem with some measurements
- W. Harre: Test results from suspension cables preloaded in practice
- P. Jagfeld: Long-term behaviour of composite concrete specimens bonded together with epoxy resin
- R. Koch: The role of experiments in a consistent dimensioning concept for structural concrete
- M. Krüger, G. Sawade Investigation of failure processes in sandstone by means of holographic interferometry
- R. Lehmann: Investigations on the bearing capacity of curtain walls
- S. Lehner, P. Jagfeld: Cone calorimeter based oxygen consumption measurements on "non combustible" building materials
- W. Manns,K. Zeus: About the influence of the type and shape of bricks as well as the joint upon the cracking strength of brickwork
- S. Mausfeld, S. Hoffmann: Diagenesis and pore structure of the "Regensburger Grünsandstein" - base of its technical properties
- K. Menzel, M. Aktas: The Effects of galvanic current on concrete
Link zum Volltext - M. Nimmesgern: Mechanical behaviour of geosynthetic-reinforced large samples in a triaxial test
- U. Nürnberger: Corrosion behaviour of non-ferrous metals in the athmosphere and in contact with construction materials
- H.-W. Reinhardt: Improved durability of concrete structures by testing during construction
- G. Sawade: Quantitative aspects of the detection of ruptures of prestressed steels in concrete beams using the magnetic flux leakiage measurement method
- S. Aicher: Investigations on the torsion properties of vertical glulam including "warping torsion" of orthotropic materials
- G. Gäßler, L. Wichter: Stabilization of a cutting slope using long nails under special consideration of the nail force distribution
- G. Grassegger, S. Hoffmann, S. Ludwig, S. Mausfeld: The disintegration of alumosilicates in building stones - a cause for the weathering of the Stubensandstein
- W. Harre: Net section design of bolted connections
- P. Jagfeld: Behavior of roofs exposed to external fire, reflections on fire hazard and test methods
- H.P. Knauf: Recycled rubber materials used for the manufacture of synthetic surfaces in sports facilities
- R. Koch: Flat slab-column-connections with shear comb reinforcement
- G. Krüger, G. Sawade: Application of holographic interferomentry: Investigations of fracture- and deformation properties of Schilfsandstein; Quantitative determination of the deformation of a medieval vault under small static and dynamic load
- W. Manns, B. Neubert: The influence of fly ash on the durability of concrete made of blast furnace cement with a high content of granulated slag
- U. Nürnberger: Corrosion problems of reinforcing steel in concrete offshore structures
- A. Paul: The swelling problematic of nonanhydriceous claystones in the geotechnique
- H.-W. Reinhardt: Concrete for environmental protection
- G.E. Völkel: A contribution to the unification of the standardization of test aided design in the work of CEN/TC 53
- G. Volland: Estimation of environmental risks when depositing mercury contaminated residues in underground cavities
- K. Zeus : About the thermal insulation and bearing capacity of masonry of vertical coring lightweight bricks

Monika Werner