Open Access publishing for the scientific community

Maximizing the impact of research through openness. Because science works best when research is open.

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Get advice on writing peer review reports with the Hindawi Hub for Reviewers.

We are evolving our portfolio in response to research integrity challenges.

From language editing to structural checks, how can Writefull help improve...

For authors

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With the researcher at the heart of the publishing experience, we have created a diverse portfolio of peer-reviewed, open access journals across a wide range of scientific and medical disciplines. Choose the journal that fits your niche.Publish with us

For publishers

For publishers
To assist publishers and societies in embracing the advantages offered by an open access publishing model, we have created Phenom - a simple, intuitive, cost-effective publishing solution that supports all workflows; from submission and peer review through to production and publication. Partner with us

Latest from our journals

Conversation with AGMR Chief Editor

Conversation with AGMR Chief Editor: Professor Ling

Career | Editors | Publishing partnerships

We spoke with Professor Ling, Chief Editor of Advanced Gut & Microbiome Research, about his research background and how microecology could applied to...

The Open Need to See

The Open Need to See

Authors | Science

In line with the United Nation's Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) of Health and Well-Being, there is an increasing need for universal eye health...

How can plant-derived compounds help protect crops in an environmentally friendly way?

A collection of recently published Editor-authored articles in Electrical...

Recent research in Dentistry examines new treatments, procedures, and...

A Comprehensive Guide to Science Communication

The research journey does not end when a paper is published. It is then that the work of helping others discover and understand the research begins. To help you be successful in this stage of your journey is why we, in collaboration with leading science communicators, created this science communication guide.

A Comprehensive Guide to Science Communication is a free resource available to read and use by anyone, anywhere in the world that can serve as a tool for you to increase visibility and thus maximize the impact of your work.

Find out more
presentational graphic

Article of the Year Award: Outstanding research contributions of 2021, as selected by our Chief Editors. Read the winning articles.