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World of Goo Update, 10 Years Later (tomorrowcorporation.com)
144 points by troydavis 4 hours ago | hide | past | web | favorite | 26 comments

Holy cow, I bought the game 10 years ago, found my old email with the "Secret World of Goo Download Location" and it worked :) No Linux update yet, but I'm going to play the original anyway. Such a fun game.

Edit: .deb package didn't work on Xubuntu 19.04 but extracting the .tar.gz and running ./WorldOfGoo.bin64 worked like a charm

I've got the same email, dated 23rd October 2008, and very impressive that the link still works and has the updated binaries listed.

I bought the Humble Indie Bundle in May 2010 that included World of Goo. I think I have the game on Steam as well through the Steam key that was included but can’t check right now. Anyway, since some are saying it may take a while before the Steam version is updated, I was wondering if the download that is accessible through my account on Humble Bundle has been / will be updated?

Because of this post, I just found out about Human Resource Machine...

I’m hooked. Currently I’m trying to optimize my Level 17 solution.

I hope these people continue producing new games.

They actually just recently released a sequel to Human Resource Machine called "7 Billion Humans". Builds on the gameplay but adds parallelism

Likely in preparation of the Fre Giveaway for the Epic Gamestore? https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/

This seems like a strategy everyone can appreciate. Epic pays indie developers to update their old games?

One of the best games I ever played. This along with "FAR: Lone Sails" are two of my favorite chill games.

A few more: Blueberry Garden, Starseed Pilgrim, Crayon Physics Deluxe, Braid

The other games from this developer, Human Resource Machine and 7 Billion Humans, are fun little pseudo programming puzzle games. They're pretty good!

And if you like those, any of the Zachtronics series of games are perfect. Spacechem is a personal favorite (machine layout programming), but there's also TIS-100 (modular system programming), SHENZEN IO (modular digital logic programming), and Opus Magnum (machine layout programming). The last two are actually upgrades of older games they made, KOHCTPYKTOP and The Codex of Alchemical Engineering. I'm hoping that Ruckingenur II gets an upgrade eventually (debugging! in a video game!).

Don’t forget EXAPUNKS!

Those two are available on the switch as well. I highly recommend anyone check them out. Girlfriend and I love to play together.

Damn, it's been 10 years, I used to follow their dev blog and their little 2d starter code project is what lead me to game development. Now, I left game dev, the guys still. Reading the update bring me back to these days, ohhh

After AoE II, Worms, and World of Goo I wish similar update for Red Alert 2.

Have you taken a look into OpenRA? There is a RA2 mod you might be interested in.


Worms too? I missed that news. Do you have a link?

OpenRA is pretty excellent.

Mainly because they are trying to port it to Switch. It's great anyway.

Trying? It's out already isn't it?

Where can you buy this now?

I like people who update things!

It's available on Steam for $10 or DRM free cross platform from https://2dboy.com/.

I believe there is also a mobile version? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I've tried to like this game, since it is an Indie Wonder. But it just isn't much fun for me. There are better things to spend your time on.

wow.. just a few bits from the update:

To be super clear, there are no new levels, no new characters, no new battle royale deathmatch mode. This is just a gentle remastering we did for fun.

The framework has been replaced. This is the thing that draws all the graphics onto your screen, and sends all the audio to your speakers, etc. This means the Win / Mac / Linux version should work on modern computers again without freaking out, and you can run the game on modern displays at whatever resolution you want.

Game now runs at a hi-def widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio by default. The original ran at a squarer 4:3 ratio.

Resolution of graphics is doubled. The original game ran at 800×600, and the tiny graphic files didn’t scale to huge monitors very gracefully. We used a few different high quality upscaling tools to start, and then went over each image by hand, tweaking each image further as needed. In a few lucky cases, we still had the original source files and were able to use those. But if you still really want the original flavor, there’s a setting to use the original graphics, also included with the game.

Fabulous joke about looking good in hi-def has remained unchanged.

Brought over graphical and UI improvements from releases on other platforms, like Nintendo Switch.

No more encrypted assets or save files. We hope this makes the game more open and friendly to mod.

The config.user.txt file is now located wherever your save file is stored. So no more editing that file in your Program Files folder. It has a bunch of new config vars exposed as well.

We’ll be updating the game everywhere Win / Mac / Linux versions are available in the next few days.

These updates 10 years after the initial release. These guys love their fans.

It's worth noting that they're launching on Epic Games, free for two weeks, tomorrow, I believe. So this is an update they were just recently effectively paid to do. Though of course, it also benefits the folks on Steam as well.

Will it benefit the folks on Steam? I was under the impression the update was not coming to Steam for a year, although the end of the blog post does seem to suggest it'll be coming out. Maybe unclear reporting when the patch was announced a few weeks ago?

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