PubKit 1.0.0-beta

PubKit 1.0.0-beta

Released Dec 06, 2011 by kp52

PubKit is a tool for front-end creation and management of web pages based on MODx Evolution resources and custom tables. With it, you can create blogs, news pages, events listings and specialized items using custom database tables.

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Downloads: 281
License: GPLv2
Requires Evolution 1.0.x or greater
Compatible up to Evolution 1.0.x
Supports mysql

This is the version E1.0 of PubKit, allowing for mutiple tag TVs, adding the Clone and Move commands, and with more robust handling of TinyMCE initialization. Customization through snippet parameters has been expanded, reducing the need to edit PHP files and create classes for items that only differ in one or two validation rules etc.

An example of how to use jScript to make simpler and more attractive management pages, and enable multiple operations, is included. Use of FamFam silk icons is also demonstrated.

The installer adds several Modules. The ImportCSV module can be used to import
a sample mini-site, which will appear with a resource under your site
root as its own home page. The resources demonstrate snippet calls,
management pages and a few output pages. The Export and MakeInstall modules, which I used to create the installer package, are included, but not documented.

Installation Instructions

Includes its own installer based on the standard MODx 1.0.4 installer to create the sample chunks, snippets, templates and TVs. Copy the files and install folder to your site as you would for a MODX upgrade, go to /install.and run as an Upgrade.

To install the demo sitelet, first configure the ImportCSV module - go to its Configuration tab and set up &modId (see documentation or sottwell,com for example of this). Run the module, and choose what to import. Then clear the site cache and refresh the resources tree. Update the ID in the wayfinder call in the pkBasic template to have the main menu appear in the demo pages.

- New base version, bringing customization and settings closer to the surface- &tags: Multiple tag TVs (radio, checkbox, selection list) can now be set via parameters- &tvs, &docFields: Addtional text TVs and document fields can be set via parameters- &validate: override class's validation rules- File uploading routines incorporated into main processing loop- Main loop now caters for Clone and Move commands- removed support for pkBlog date checks from file- fixed bug with &showinmenu (now obeys parameter setting)- new demo sitelet, with module to import it from CSV file- sample management pages using jQuery, multiple action and famfam icons

Version Released Author Downloads
2 Versions 1 Contributors 281 Downloads
0.7.1-beta Oct, 27 2010 kp52 164