Greenstone 2.85rc2 (release candidate 2) released

ak19. Friday, October 28th, 2011.

There was a lot of testing going on in the last 2 months, and I forgot all about writing blog entries.

The first stage of testing was to go through the Greenstone tutorials on Windows (Vista), Linux (Ubuntu) and Mac (Leopard). Some bugs were discovered and fixed, and after that RC1 of GS2.85 could be released.

Thereafter, further tests were conducted on all three OS: testing out combinations of the 3 indexers and 3 database types, processing of a range of file types including the use of Greenstone’s PDFBox and OpenOffice extensions, filenames with different encodings and HTML files that interlink with each other using different encodings, the remote Greenstone server and the GLI applet were tested out, as well as spaces in the filepath for Windows. This time, the tests were conducted on Windows XP, Linux CentOS as well as Mac Leopard again. A lot of bugs had still got through the net after the first stage of testing, but were caught this time around and fixed for the release of GS2.85 RC2.

Greenstone 2.85 RC2 was finally released on Wednesday 26 October 2011. The Greenstone Team invites all those interested to please test the new release binaries out, which can be obtained from, and write back on any bugs or issues encountered. The updated release notes are at

The release notes already contain instructions on a patch for a minor issue that Diego discovered in the earlier release and which had persisted into the current one.

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