Semantically, I want an itemized list, but visually I just want some space. How can I hide the bullets?


I can't speak for any other setup, but I'm using Tufte-Latex on MacTex, and I just typed the following:


It worked. :-) I love it when guessing does that. So just try adding [] after.

P.S. the "generalized" list from lindelof worked also, but they didn't line up as nicely as with itemize. Jakub's suggestion was what inspired my guess, when I tried it, I got a bunch of "label=" strings as bullet points.

Edit: As others have pointed out, the more standard approach is to again use [], but next to each item in the list as in other answers on this page. If you tire of seeing square brackets on each line, try other approaches on this page :)

\item[] first item
  • 3
    This doesn't work for me. (I'm not sure of the precise details of my installation, but I don't think it is unusual.) The answer below by Clueso is a more standard solution. – Emil Aug 27 '11 at 21:01
  • Sure. As I implied, I was guessing. ;-) I suspect I might have been relying on enumitem ... or some non-standard behaviour. Who knows. To future searchers, please try whatever seems best/most standard to you :p Personally I'd get tired of typing [] after each \item, so the macro suggestion might also be worth investigating. Thanks for the feedback! :) – Louis St-Amour Aug 29 '11 at 19:45
  • this hasn't worked for me. See the answer below or tex.stackexchange.com/questions/50269/itemize-without-bullets for a few options. (The answer below should probably be accepted as the answer since the current one may be misleading.) – arturomp Jun 16 '13 at 16:23
  • Edited my answer, since I can't change what's been accepted :) – Louis St-Amour Jun 17 '13 at 14:04

I think the best solution would be to use enumitem package from CTAN: It is present in teTeX and LaTex and should also be present in most other TeX distribution. Then you are able to use:

\item 1st item
\item ...

If all you want is the space, rather than a list environment you could use the tabbing environment

\> First Item\\
\> Second item\\
\> Third item

What you probably want is a generalized list:

\item ...

The second argument to this environment is the symbol that will be inserted in front of every item.


My response is quite late for this thread but thought I will add it for the benefit of any future searchers.

I accomplished this by using the description environment and using blanks for the \item commands.


\item[] first item

That worked fine for me.


The bullet itself is a macro so you can easily redefine it globally like this:


In your case just leave the macro empty. See this page for details.

\item[] text

Optionally, you can put something inside the [].

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