where's it gone?
We've made some more changes around here. Based on your feedback, we've introduced a different captcha system which doesn't rely on thirdparty cookies, and is easier to read. We've also moveed the form from being on the left hand side of every page, to getting its own page.

because it's your inbox
It's almost impossible to avoid spam. We don't pretend to offer a complete solution. But we do offer you a little help in keeping your email address out of the hands of spammers. And we do it for free. So that can't be all bad, right?

avoid spam
Your email address is precious to you. Anyone who gets their hands on it can use or abuse it. Every time you give your email address to someone, you run the risk of being spammed. Every time you post to a newsgroup, or use a discussion board, the same applies. And, once you get onto a spammer's list, it's very hard to get off.

You can't just keep your email address a secret either. What's the point of having email if nobody can write to you?

clean and simple
mailexpire is still the simplest, cleanest way for you to keep your inbox spam-free. Our system allows you to create a free email alias for yourself. For a period you choose, from 12 hours to 3 months, anything sent to this email alias will be passed on to you at your actual email address. You can now give this alias to that salesman you're not sure of. If you get appropriate email from him, that's great. However, if you start receiving spam, you know where it came from, and you only have to put up with it until your alias expires. If you want to extend your mailexpire alias, or kill it instantly, just use our unique control panel. Simple, isn't it?

did we mention... it's free
mailexpire is free, and you can use it as often as you like.

If this is your first time here and you're not sure what to do next, just click on the "help" link on the left to see just how easy it is to start protecting your inbox with mailexpire.

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