API Documentation

Artist, Label, and Release data is made available to you via a Public Domain license. That means there are no restrictions on what you can do with the data.

The Discogs API supports a RESTful interface. This means you interact with the API by sending HTTP GET and POST requests and you get XML documents back.
When you send a request, you'll get a response that looks like this: If you supplied a valid API Key the "resp" section will contain a "requests=X" value indicating the number of requests you have made to the API within this 24 hour period. See below for information about the usage limits.

If there was an error, the service will respond with an HTTP error code (usually 400), and an error message about the problem.

Accessing the API

As of now all API methods are read-only so you can access the API with HTTP GET requests and your API Key.

Example GET request: Restrictions:

  • API usage is limited to 5,000 requests per 24-hour period, per IP address.
  • Clients must send the "Accept-Encoding: gzip" header. The service will gzip most API responses so your application must be able to decode gzipped data.
  • Clients must supply an API Key with each request.


Get Release

Example request: Example response:

Get Artist

Example request: Example response:

Get Label

Example request: Example response:


Example request: Example response:

About Images

When an Artist / Label / Release has images, there will be an "images" section in the API response. This contains a set of "image" tags, each with the following values:
  • type - primary or secondary
  • uri - a uri to download the image
  • width - the width of the image
  • height - the height of the image
  • uri150 - a URI to download the smaller version of the image (always 150 pixels wide or smaller)

Code Examples

Example Python Interaction with API