Bibus bibliographic database

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Bibus Bibliographic software Summary on


What is Bibus?

Bibus is a bibliographic and reference management software. As with other such tools, Bibus allows one to search, edit, and sort bibliographic records. In addition, Bibus contains features that makes it unique among open source and even commercial bibliographic databases:

  • Hierarchical organization of the references with user defined keys
  • Designed for multiuser environments
    • You can share the database between an "unlimited" number of users
    • Each user will have its own classification
    • You can define read-only and read-write users
  • Live queries; that is searches that update as the database changes
  • On-line PubMed queries
  • On-line eTBLAST queries
  • Insertion of references and formatting of bibliographies into two widely used Word Processors ( and Microsoft Word)
  • Foreign language support through Unicode and gettext. As of version 1.4, Bibus is available in English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish.
  • Bibus works on most modern platforms:
    • Gnu/linux with
    • Windows98/2000/XP with and Microsoft Word
    • On other platforms (MacOS X, ...) Bibus works with Microsoft Word but styles cannot be created at this point (this should change soon for MacOS X)

What makes Bibus special?

  • Free (as in speech) and free (as in beer)
  • Easy to use, intuitive interface
  • Works with (Linux, Windows, MacOS X) and MS Word (Windows)
  • Interfaces seamlessly with PubMed Entrez and with eTBLAST.
  • Ability to create custom styles for bibliogaphies

How to use this site

A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share. If you have ideas or information about Bibus that you want to share: Register yourself and start editing or adding pages! Please note that all contributions to Bibus wiki must be released under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

Bibus Documentation


Using Bibus with Other Bibliographical Software

The guides listed here are designed to help people who want to migrate from other software to Bibus or who have to use Bibus together with other bibligraphical applications because of institutional constraints or technical reasons.


Some useful information may be found in following pages

Download and Installation

Installation instructions



# emerge bibus


If you have a good knowledge of MacOSX and want to make a dmg file, please contact the main bibus developper at Bibus is written with cross-platform tools and should work on macOSX but we need somebody to do the work since we don't have any mac.

MS Windows 98/2000/XP

  • Most would probably want the latest standalone executable version (see above for link). This version includes all required software and is very easy to install (just follow the instructions of the install screens. Note that this might not work on Win98.
  • For the “python” version (requires python, wxPython, win32com, pysqlite), you need to download the package bibus-biblio. Please follow the instructions at

First connection wizard

Have a look at the First connection wizard tutorial after bibus installation.


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