Acronym CrEator helps you generate a number of meaningful acronyms and abbreviations.

Acronym CrEator helps you to generate meaningful acronyms and abbreviations that suit the description of your concept. Just type your phrase and press 'Get_Acronyms' to find the best name for your product, project, company, algorithm, etc.

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Acronym creating examples:

FRAME : FRee Acronym MakEr

(ACE tries to include all the initial letters and possibly a few other letters)

MAESTRO : MAkE SweeT abbReviatiOns,    CREAM : CReate nicE AcronyM

(Skips an initial letter if necessary)

RANgE : Real AcroNym buildEr

(Inserts some external letters to match dictionary words.)

The external characters may help you modify the input phrase in a smart way. For instance, replacing 'buildEr' by 'GEnerator' leads you to:

RANGE : Real AcroNym GEnerator