SNAP Library

Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) is a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library. It is written in C++ and easily scales to massive networks with hundreds of millions of nodes, and billions of edges. It efficiently manipulates large graphs, calculates structural properties, generates regular and random graphs, and supports attributes on nodes and edges. SNAP is also available through the NodeXL which is a graphical front-end that integrates network analysis into Microsoft Office and Excel.

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Network data

A collection of more than 40 large network datasets from tens of thousands of nodes and edges to tens of millions of nodes and edges. In includes social networks, web graphs, road networks, internet networks, citation networks, collaboration networks, and communication networks.

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Talks and tutorials on methods to analyze large network data and ways how to think about networks and how to model them at the level of network structure, evolution and dynamics of diffusion and cascading behavior in networks.



Papers on the structure and evolution of large networks, models to think about them and algorithms to computationally analyze the network structure.



Workshop on Social Media Analytics held in conjunction with The 16th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2010).