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one million views

Sometime this morning, while I was riding to work, someone viewed a photo of mine on Flickr, rolling the “total views” odometer over 1 million. That’s a lot of views. There aren’t many other venues where I could put my photos on display and have them seen a million times. Granted, there’s no “unique viewers” stat – so it could be 10 people clicking reload repeatedly. But still…


And I know there are LOTS of people with WAY more people viewing their stuff, but I still think this is pretty mindblowing. That’s a lot of exposure for, what? $30 a year?

Categories: general.

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5 Responses

  1. Congrats – you are right that there may be many more people with higher numbers, but there are also many more with barely 10%. It’s certainly a nice milestone that shows that your dedication is being noticed.

  2. What I like is that the community within Flickr gives us all the opportunity to notice great work and for people to notice our work — great or not. I love that (as you say) for $30 a year I can connect with so many interesting people and have a chance to see what they’ve seen. Congrats on the milestone.

  3. Amazing to me. I’ve barely broken 10,000.

    Long way to go to reach a million. How long have you been on Flickr?

  4. Dear Blogger,

    We have received 473 nominations for the top 100 language blog 2009 competition. For each category, we have admitted 100 blogs into the voting phase. You are amongst the 100 blogs in the ‘Language Technology’ category, congratulations!

    As stated before, 50% of the final score will be based on user voting. You can promote your blog with the following voting button on your page. Simply add the code to a blog post (similar to embedding a YouTube video) so that your readers can vote for you directly.

    [Find the HTML code on our website]

    The voting phase starts today and ends July 28. Winners will be announced July 30.

    Good luck for the competition!

    Kind regards,
    on behalf of the and Lexiophiles team

    Marc Lütten GmbH | Baumwall 7 | 20459 Hamburg | Germany
    Phone: +49(0)40-707080950
    Handelsregister AG Hamburg | HRB 101207
    Geschaftsführer: Dr. Andreas Schroeter, Dr. Thomas Schroeter, Patrick Uecker

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