nose: a discovery-based unittest extension.

This document refers to nose version 0.10.4. Documention for version 0.9.3 is available here.

nose provides an alternate test discovery and running process for unittest, one that is intended to mimic the behavior of py.test as much as is reasonably possible without resorting to too much magic.


nose version 0.10.4 fixes bugs in nose's suite classes to make nose compatible with python 2.6.

See the changelog for details.


On most UNIX-like systems, you'll probably need to run these commands as root or using sudo.

Install nose using setuptools:

easy_install nose

Or, if you don't have setuptools installed, use the download link at right to download the source package, and install in the normal fashion: Ungzip and untar the source package, cd to the new directory, and:

python install

However, please note that without setuptools installed, you will not be able to use 3rd-party nose plugins.

Basic usage

Use the nosetests script (after installation by setuptools):

nosetests [options] [(optional) test files or directories]

In addition to passing command-line options, you may also put configuration options in a .noserc or nose.cfg file in your home directory. These are standard .ini-style config files. Put your nosetests configuration in a [nosetests] section, with the -- prefix removed:


There are several other ways to use the nose test runner besides the nosetests script. You may use nose in a test script:

import nose

If you don't want the test script to exit with 0 on success and 1 on failure (like unittest.main), use instead:

import nose
result =

result will be true if the test run succeeded, or false if any test failed or raised an uncaught exception. Lastly, you can run nose.core directly, which will run nose.main():

python /path/to/nose/

Please see the usage message for the nosetests script for information about how to control which tests nose runs, which plugins are loaded, and the test output.


Writing tests is easier

nose collects tests from unittest.TestCase subclasses, of course. But you can also write simple test functions, and test classes that are not subclasses of unittest.TestCase. nose also supplies a number of helpful functions for writing timed tests, testing for exceptions, and other common use cases. See Writing tests and Testing tools for more.

Running tests is easier

nose collects tests automatically, as long as you follow some simple guidelines for organizing your library and test code. There's no need to manually collect test cases into test suites. Running tests is responsive, since nose begins running tests as soon as the first test module is loaded. See Finding and running tests for more.

Setting up your test environment is easier

nose supports fixtures at the package, module, class, and test case level, so expensive initialization can be done as infrequently as possible. See Fixtures for more.

Doing what you want to do is easier

nose has plugin hooks for loading, running, watching and reporting on tests and test runs. If you don't like the default collection scheme, or it doesn't suit the layout of your project, or you need reports in a format different from the unittest standard, or you need to collect some additional information about tests (like code coverage or profiling data), you can write a plugin to do so. See Writing plugins for more. nose comes with a number of builtin plugins, for instance:

  • Output capture

    Unless called with the -s (--nocapture) switch, nose will capture stdout during each test run, and print the captured output only for tests that fail or have errors. The captured output is printed immediately following the error or failure output for the test. (Note that output in teardown methods is captured, but can't be output with failing tests, because teardown has not yet run at the time of the failure.)

  • Assert introspection

    When run with the -d (--detailed-errors) switch, nose will try to output additional information about the assert expression that failed with each failing test. Currently, this means that names in the assert expression will be expanded into any values found for them in the locals or globals in the frame in which the expression executed.

    In other words if you have a test like:

    def test_integers():
        a = 2
        assert a == 4, "assert 2 is 4"

    You will get output like:

    File "/path/to/", line XX, in test_integers:
          assert a == 4, "assert 2 is 4"
    AssertionError: assert 2 is 4
      >>  assert 2 == 4, "assert 2 is 4"

    Please note that dotted names are not expanded, and callables are not called in the expansion.

Setuptools integration

nose may be used with the setuptools test command. Simply specify nose.collector as the test suite in your setup file:

setup (
    # ...
    test_suite = 'nose.collector'

Then to find and run tests, you can run:

python test

When running under setuptools, you can configure nose settings via the environment variables detailed in the nosetests script usage message, or the setup.cfg or ~/.noserc or ~/.nose.cfg config files.

Please note that when run under the setuptools test command, some plugins will not be available, including the builtin coverage, and profiler plugins.

nose also includes its own setuptools command, nosetests, that provides support for all plugins and command line options. See nose.commands for more information about the nosetests command.

Writing tests

As with py.test, nose tests need not be subclasses of unittest.TestCase. Any function or class that matches the configured testMatch regular expression ((?:^|[b_.-])[Tt]est) by default -- that is, has test or Test at a word boundary or following a - or _) and lives in a module that also matches that expression will be run as a test. For the sake of compatibility with legacy unittest test cases, nose will also load tests from unittest.TestCase subclasses just like unittest does. Like py.test, functional tests will be run in the order in which they appear in the module file. TestCase derived tests and other test classes are run in alphabetical order.


nose supports fixtures (setup and teardown methods) at the package, module, class, and test level. As with py.test or unittest fixtures, setup always runs before any test (or collection of tests for test packages and modules); teardown runs if setup has completed successfully, whether or not the test or tests pass. For more detail on fixtures at each level, see below.

Test packages

nose allows tests to be grouped into test packages. This allows package-level setup; for instance, if you need to create a test database or other data fixture for your tests, you may create it in package setup and remove it in package teardown once per test run, rather than having to create and tear it down once per test module or test case.

To create package-level setup and teardown methods, define setup and/or teardown functions in the of a test package. Setup methods may be named setup, setup_package, setUp, or setUpPackage; teardown may be named teardown, teardown_package, tearDown or tearDownPackage. Execution of tests in a test package begins as soon as the first test module is loaded from the test package.

Test modules

A test module is a python module that matches the testMatch regular expression. Test modules offer module-level setup and teardown; define the method setup, setup_module, setUp or setUpModule for setup, teardown, teardown_module, or tearDownModule for teardown. Execution of tests in a test module begins after all tests are collected.

Test classes

A test class is a class defined in a test module that is either a subclass of unittest.TestCase, or matches testMatch. Test classes that don't descend from unittest.TestCase are run in the same way as those that do: methods in the class that match testMatch are discovered, and a test case constructed to run each with a fresh instance of the test class. Like unittest.TestCase subclasses, other test classes may define setUp and tearDown methods that will be run before and after each test method. Test classes that do not descend from unittest.TestCase may also include generator methods, and class-level fixtures. Class level fixtures may be named setup_class, setupClass, setUpClass, setupAll or setUpAll for set up and teardown_class, teardownClass, tearDownClass, teardownAll or tearDownAll for teardown and must be class methods.

Test functions

Any function in a test module that matches testMatch will be wrapped in a FunctionTestCase and run as a test. The simplest possible failing test is therefore:

def test():
    assert False

And the simplest passing test:

def test():

Test functions may define setup and/or teardown attributes, which will be run before and after the test function, respectively. A convenient way to do this, especially when several test functions in the same module need the same setup, is to use the provided with_setup decorator:

def setup_func():
    # ...

def teardown_func():
    # ...

@with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func)
def test():
    # ...

For python 2.3 or earlier, add the attributes by calling the decorator function like so:

def test():
    # ...
test = with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func)(test)

or by direct assignment:

test.setup = setup_func
test.teardown = teardown_func

Please note that with_setup is useful only for test functions, not for test methods in unittest.TestCase subclasses or other test classes. For those cases, define setUp and tearDown methods in the class.

Test generators

nose supports test functions and methods that are generators. A simple example from nose's selftest suite is probably the best explanation:

def test_evens():
    for i in range(0, 5):
        yield check_even, i, i*3

def check_even(n, nn):
    assert n % 2 == 0 or nn % 2 == 0

This will result in 4 tests. nose will iterate the generator, creating a function test case wrapper for each tuple it yields. As in the example, test generators must yield tuples, the first element of which must be a callable and the remaining elements the arguments to be passed to the callable.

By default, the test name output for a generated test in verbose mode will be the name of the generator function or method, followed by the args passed to the yielded callable. If you want to show a different test name, set the description attribute of the yielded callable.

Setup and teardown functions may be used with test generators. The setup and teardown attributes must be attached to the generator function:

@with_setup(setup_func, teardown_func)
def test_generator():
    yield func, arg, arg ...

The setup and teardown functions will be executed for each test that the generator returns.

For generator methods, the setUp and tearDown methods of the class (if any) will be run before and after each generated test case.

Please note that method generators are not supported in unittest.TestCase subclasses.

Finding and running tests

nose, by default, follows a few simple rules for test discovery.

Be aware that plugins and command line options can change any of those rules.

Testing tools

The module provides a number of testing aids that you may find useful, including decorators for restricting test execution time and testing for exceptions, and all of the same assertX methods found in unittest.TestCase (only spelled in pep08 fashion, so assert_equal rather than assertEqual). See for a complete list.

nosetests setuptools command

You can run tests using the nosetests setuptools command:

python nosetests

This command has one benefit over the standard test command: all nose plugins are supported.

To configure the nosetests command, add a [nosetests] section to your setup.cfg. The [nosetests] section can contain any command line arguments that nosetests supports. The differences between issuing an option on the command line and adding it to setup.cfg are:

Here's an example [nosetests] setup.cfg section:


If you commonly run nosetests with a large number of options, using the nosetests setuptools command and configuring with setup.cfg can make running your tests much less tedious. (Note that the same options and format supported in setup.cfg are supported in all other config files, and the nosetests script will also load config files.)

Another reason to run tests with the command is that the command will install packages listed in your tests_require, as well as doing a complete build of your package before running tests. For packages with dependencies or that build C extensions, using the setuptools command can be more convenient than building by hand and running the nosetests script.

nosetests usage

Usage: nosetests [options] [names]
    nose provides extended test discovery and running features for
    nose collects tests automatically from python source files,
    directories and packages found in its working directory (which
    defaults to the current working directory). Any python source file,
    directory or package that matches the testMatch regular expression
    (by default: (?:^|[\b_\.-])[Tt]est) will be collected as a test (or
    source for collection of tests). In addition, all other packages
    found in the working directory will be examined for python source files
    or directories that match testMatch. Package discovery descends all
    the way down the tree, so package.tests and package.sub.tests and
    package.sub.sub2.tests will all be collected.
    Within a test directory or package, any python source file matching
    testMatch will be examined for test cases. Within a test module,
    functions and classes whose names match testMatch and TestCase
    subclasses with any name will be loaded and executed as tests. Tests
    may use the assert keyword or raise AssertionErrors to indicate test
    failure. TestCase subclasses may do the same or use the various
    TestCase methods available.
    Selecting Tests

    To specify which tests to run, pass test names on the command line:


    Test names specified may be file or module names, and may optionally
    indicate the test case to run by separating the module or file name
    from the test case name with a colon. Filenames may be relative or
    absolute. Examples:

      nosetests test.module
      nosetests another.test:TestCase.test_method
      nosetests a.test:TestCase
      nosetests /path/to/test/
    You may also change the working directory where nose looks for tests,
    use the -w switch:

      nosetests -w /path/to/tests

    Note however that support for multiple -w arguments is deprecated
    in this version and will be removed in a future release, since as
    of nose 0.10 you can get the same behavior by specifying the
    target directories *without* the -w switch:

      nosetests /path/to/tests /another/path/to/tests

    Further customization of test selection and loading is possible
    through the use of plugins.

    Test result output is identical to that of unittest, except for
    the additional features (error classes, and plugin-supplied
    features such as output capture and assert introspection) detailed
    in the options below.


    In addition to passing command-line options, you may also put
    configuration options in a .noserc or nose.cfg file in your home
    directory. These are standard .ini-style config files. Put your
    nosetests configuration in a [nosetests] section. Options are the
    same as on the command line, with the -- prefix removed. For
    options that are simple switches, you must supply a value:


    All configuration files that are found will be loaded and their options

    Using Plugins

    There are numerous nose plugins available via easy_install and
    elsewhere. To use a plugin, just install it. The plugin will add
    command line options to nosetests. To verify that the plugin is installed,
      nosetests --plugins

    You can add -v or -vv to that command to show more information
    about each plugin.

    If you are running nose.main() or from a script, you
    can specify a list of plugins to use by passing a list of plugins
    with the plugins keyword argument.

    0.9 plugins

    nose 0.10 can use SOME plugins that were written for nose 0.9. The
    default plugin manager inserts a compatibility wrapper around 0.9
    plugins that adapts the changed plugin api calls. However, plugins
    that access nose internals are likely to fail, especially if they
    attempt to access test case or test suite classes. For example,
    plugins that try to determine if a test passed to startTest is an
    individual test or a suite will fail, partly because suites are no
    longer passed to startTest and partly because it's likely that the
    plugin is trying to find out if the test is an instance of a class
    that no longer exists.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         Output nose version and exit
  -p, --plugins         Output list of available plugins and exit. Combine
                        with higher verbosity for greater detail
  -v, --verbose         Be more verbose. [NOSE_VERBOSE]
                        Set verbosity; --verbosity=2 is the same as -v
  -q, --quiet           
  -c FILES, --config=FILES
                        Load configuration from config file(s). May be
                        specified multiple times; in that case, all config
                        files will be loaded and combined
  -w WHERE, --where=WHERE
                        Look for tests in this directory. May be specified
                        multiple times. The first directory passed will be
                        used as the working directory, in place of the current
                        working directory, which is the default. Others will
                        be added to the list of tests to execute. [NOSE_WHERE]
  -m TESTMATCH, --match=TESTMATCH, --testmatch=TESTMATCH
                        Use this regular expression to find tests
  --tests=TESTNAMES     Run these tests (comma-separated list). This argument
                        is useful mainly from configuration files; on the
                        command line, just pass the tests to run as additional
                        arguments with no switch.
  -l DEBUG, --debug=DEBUG
                        Activate debug logging for one or more systems.
                        Available debug loggers: nose, nose.importer,
                        nose.inspector, nose.plugins, nose.result and
                        nose.selector. Separate multiple names with a comma.
  --debug-log=DEBUGLOG  Log debug messages to this file (default: sys.stderr)
  --logging-config=LOGGINGCONFIG, --log-config=LOGGINGCONFIG
                        Load logging config from this file -- bypasses all
                        other logging config settings.
  -e EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE
                        Don't run tests that match regular expression
  -i INCLUDE, --include=INCLUDE
                        Also run tests that match regular expression
  -x, --stop            Stop running tests after the first error or failure
  -P, --no-path-adjustment
                        Don't make any changes to sys.path when loading tests
  --exe                 Look for tests in python modules that are executable.
                        Normal behavior is to exclude executable modules,
                        since they may not be import-safe [NOSE_INCLUDE_EXE]
  --noexe               DO NOT look for tests in python modules that are
                        executable. (The default on the windows platform is to
                        do so.)
  -a ATTR, --attr=ATTR  Run only tests that have attributes specified by ATTR
  -A EXPR, --eval-attr=EXPR
                        Run only tests for whose attributes the Python
                        expression EXPR evaluates to True [NOSE_EVAL_ATTR]
  -s, --nocapture       Don't capture stdout (any stdout output will be
                        printed immediately) [NOSE_NOCAPTURE]
  --with-coverage       Enable plugin Coverage:  If you have Ned Batchelder's
                        coverage module installed, you may activate a coverage
                        report. The coverage report will cover any python
                        source module imported after the start of the test
                        run, excluding modules that match testMatch. If you
                        want to include those modules too, use the --cover-
                        tests switch, or set the NOSE_COVER_TESTS environment
                        variable to a true value. To restrict the coverage
                        report to modules from a particular package or
                        packages, use the --cover-packages switch or the
                        NOSE_COVER_PACKAGES environment variable.
                        Restrict coverage output to selected packages
  --cover-erase         Erase previously collected coverage statistics before
  --cover-tests         Include test modules in coverage report
  --cover-inclusive     Include all python files under working directory in
                        coverage report.  Useful for discovering holes in test
                        coverage if not all files are imported by the test
                        suite. [NOSE_COVER_INCLUSIVE]
  --pdb                 Drop into debugger on errors
  --pdb-failures        Drop into debugger on failures
  --no-deprecated       Disable special handling of DeprecatedTest exceptions.
  --with-doctest        Enable plugin Doctest:  Activate doctest plugin to
                        find and run doctests in non-test modules.
  --doctest-tests       Also look for doctests in test modules. Note that
                        classes, methods and functions should have either
                        doctests or non-doctest tests, not both.
                        Also look for doctests in files with this extension
  --with-isolation      Enable plugin IsolationPlugin:  Activate the isolation
                        plugin to isolate changes to external modules to a
                        single test module or package. The isolation plugin
                        resets the contents of sys.modules after each test
                        module or package runs to its state before the test.
                        PLEASE NOTE that this plugin should not be used with
                        the coverage plugin in any other case where module
                        reloading may produce undesirable side-effects.
  -d, --detailed-errors, --failure-detail
                        Add detail to error output by attempting to evaluate
                        failed asserts [NOSE_DETAILED_ERRORS]
  --with-profile        Enable plugin Profile:  Use this plugin to run tests
                        using the hotshot profiler.   [NOSE_WITH_PROFILE]
                        Set sort order for profiler output
                        Profiler stats file; default is a new temp file on
                        each run
                        Restrict profiler output. See help for pstats.Stats
                        for details
  --no-skip             Disable special handling of SkipTest exceptions.
  --with-id             Enable plugin TestId:  Activate to add a test id (like
                        #1) to each test name output. After you've run once to
                        generate test ids, you can re-run individual tests by
                        activating the plugin and passing the ids (with or
                        without the # prefix) instead of test names.
  --id-file=TESTIDFILE  Store test ids found in test runs in this file.
                        Default is the file .noseids in the working directory.

Bug reports

Please report bugs and make feature requests here.


Write plugins! It's easy and fun.

Get the code:

svn checkout nose

Patches are welcome. I'd suggest grabbing a copy of svk so that you can have local version control and submit full patches against an up-to-date tree easily.

Thanks to Google for providing the Google code hosting service.
































About the name

Contact the author

You can email me at jpellerin+nose at gmail dot com.

To report bugs, ask questions, or request features, please use the issues tab at the Google code site: Patches are welcome!

Similar test runners

nose was inspired mainly by py.test, which is a great test runner, but formerly was not all that easy to install, and is not based on unittest.

Test suites written for use with nose should work equally well with py.test, and vice versa, except for the differences in output capture and command line arguments for the respective tools.

License and copyright

nose is copyright Jason Pellerin 2005-2008

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA