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"Innovative" — Business Week, "Fascinating Stuff" — Boing Boing, "Empowering" — Wired

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Finalist in The Tech Museum Program for the Future Global Design Challenge (2010)
The New York Times WIRED ZDNet The Wall Street Journal Business Week BoingBoing Washington Post The Huffington Post
A Winner of the Mayo Clinic iSpot Competition for Ideas that Will Transform Healthcare (2009)

Why our members love CureTogether


“CureTogether seriously changed my life.”— Christopher


“I thought I was the only one with these kinds of symptoms.”— Faren


“I came across CureTogether by accident - what a blessing!”— Edi


“Crowdsourcing health knowledge to find cures - Terrific!”— David


“95% pain-free after a 10-year battle with chronic pain.”— Alex

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