Community Network

Social Network Analysis software & services for organizations, communities, and their consultants

We provide software, training, consulting, and research for the application of network analysis in a wide variety of domains. Our deep experience in diagnosing and improving of organizations & communities, discovery and development of new leaders, analysis of influence networks, mapping and measuring of industry ecosystems, uncloaking of conspiracies and data mining & visualization of diverse information has assisted a variety of clients around the world.

We have participated in, or lead, over 500 projects for commercial, not-for-profit, educational, consulting, and government clients. In addition to mastering standard practices, we have pioneered the application of network analysis in new domains -- especially in the use of public data from the WWW.

How can we help you see what is hidden?

Our latest publication: Combining Social Capital & Human Capital for Organizational Success!

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Copyright © 2009, Valdis Krebs
