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Welcome to freenigma!

freenigma adds privacy technology (with strong e-mail encryption) to your favourite webmail service.

Now you can decide on yourself which of your e-mails are private.

Today, all your e-mails are stored and sent around the planet in plain text. And today you have got no control over what happens to your private or business e-mail conversations and you cannot prevent others from reading them. Get your privacy back! Encrypt your private and business e-mails to protect your freedom, privacy and your business secrets.

Exchange encrypted e-mails with your friends using Google Mail!

Actually, we support not only Google Mail, but all large webmail services: encrypt your e-mails in Google Mail, Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail and others. Exchange encrypted content with your friends and business partners. One freenigma account can be used for all supported webmail systems!

Easy to use: Just invite your friends!

With freenigma, you dont't have to be a crypto hacker any longer to encrypt your data. freenigma is e-mail encryption for everybody. No technical knowledge is needed. Nothing to configure on your PC. Just invite your friends to freenigma and immediately start encrypting your e-mails!

Easy set-up: freenigma is just a Firefox extension.

You don't need to install additional software packages on your PC. You just need your Firefox browser to install freenigma as a standard Firefox extension. So you can use freenigma on GNU/Linux, MacOS X, Windows and all other operating systems where you can use a Firefox browser.

freenigma is based on open standards and free software.

freenigma uses one of the most famous and most widely used cryptographic software packages in the world: the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). GnuPG is a proven system and it is free software ("OpenSource"). Parts of the development of GnuPG were even officially funded by the German "Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik" which is a German governmental agency for IT security. freenigma supports the OpenPGP standard.

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