Introduction Protect Search

What is this ?

A free timestamp service without the need of additional software. You even don't need to create a user account.

Why ?

Creating a timestamp of your creative work (audio/ video files, pictures, ...) enables you to prove the possession of a digital content at a certain date at a certain time.

So ?

By creating digital content, you implicitly own the copyright. By registering your work before anybody else, you will later be able to prove the origin and therefor protect your copyrights.

You don't want to share your files ?

Fair enough! That's why you are here! On our site, you do NOT upload your files. Only hash values are registered. Our java applet makes it easy to calculate these unique hash values locally on your own computer.

What is a hash value ?

Hash Algorithms, like the MD5 or SHA, provide the basis for modern cryptography. Also called "fingerprint", hash values are unique for pretty much every existing digital file.

Can I trust you ?

In real life you don't need to, but the person who wants to verify a timestamp online. Please read our security policy to fully understand that we give our best to offer a high quality service to you.

1-step Wizard:
protect your copyright now