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Over 2.8 million books in members' libraries.

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What's good?

  • Rapidly searches Amazon, the Library of Congress and 45 other world libraries.
  • Show it or keep it private. Show your books on your blog too.
  • Get recommendations. Connect to people with all your obscure stuff.
  • Tag your books as on and Flickr (eg., wwii, magical realism, vampires, theology, dogs, philosophy of science).
  • Export your data. Import from almost anywhere too.
  • Enter 200 books for free, as many as you like for $10 (year) or $25 (life).

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"Last week, one of these simple,
brilliant ideas got built..."
The Guardian (UK) email digest
"The Wrap" by Andrew Brown
"LibraryThing appears poised to turn the cataloging of books into a form of communal recreation."
"It's six kinds of wonderful. It's all the wonderful."

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LibraryThing is © LibraryThing/Tim Spalding.
Book pile photograph by AuntDodi. You are on the new server.