Greased Lightbox


"very very cool!" —Lokesh Dhakar, creator of Lightbox JS

"Oh, this user script is great! It’s exactly the direction where we should go - make web easier to use, reduce the number of steps you need to perform an action, improve the speed of web usage…" —Zbigniew Braniecki, Localization Manager of Flock

"Congrats, you just converted me to Firefox." —Experiment IV

"This is utterly awesome. It made Greasemonkey worth installing again." —Matt Burris

"This is massively hot.. much better looking at google results now." —stonedonkey

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Joe Lencioni’s Greased Lightbox is a Greasemonkey/Creammonkey/Opera user script designed to enhance browsing on websites that link to images such as Google Image Search, Flickr, Wikipedia, Facebook, MySpace, and deviantART.



Greased Lightbox v0.14 (July 21, 2006)

Greasemonkey/Creammonkey Installation

in Four Easy Steps

  1. Make sure that you have the Greasemonkey extension (Firefox) or Creammonkey v0.6+ (Safari) installed.
  2. If you just installed Greasemonkey or Creammonkey, restart your browser.
  3. Download Greased Lightbox.
  4. Smile.


in Four Easy Steps

  1. Perform a Google Image Search.
  2. Click on one of the thumbnails.
  3. Try pressing the left arrow, right arrow, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘0′, ‘x’, and Esc keys.
  4. Smile again.


If you are feeling generous, your donation will be greatly appreciated.

More Info

Images to Test With

For more similar images, visit the photo archive or download some free desktop wallpaper. Or, if you like what you see, subscribe today.