Welcome to radicalgraphics.org

+ to download +
The images are organized into categories. In each category you’ll find a page of thumbnails. These are not the final images, click on the image to get a larger version. If you want to use the image, click on it again to see the high resolution version. At this point, you can download the images to your hard disk a few different ways. Either drag the image to your desktop rightclick (if you are using a PC) and select "download to disk." If you are using a mac: click and hold or control + click, and select "download to disk." We have provided a search window on the main page. Enter keywords to find images relevant to your purpose. If you have trouble with the search function, try using different forms of the same word (i.e. if banks doesn’t work, try bank).

+ to upload +
There is also an upload function on the site. We hope that folks can add related images to the galleries and help them grow. Please do not upload color images or low rez jpegs that you found on the Internet. If your image is to be scannned, please scan it at 300dpi and compress to a level-6 jpeg. Uploads go into a folder that the administrators of this site sort through. If you don’t see your image in a gallery right away, please be patient.

Any questions?
Drop us a line here.

The purpose of this website is to provide activists, radicals, revolutionaries, and otherwise left-leaning individuals, who are working to put together flyers, pamphlets, zines, propaganda etc., with high resolution graphics. Most of the images you will find are of an inherently anti-authoritarian, anti-status quo nature. Of course, everything depends on the context that the image is used. Some of the images are not radical in and of themselves, but they might serve a purpose for certain radical groups/projects (eg. images of animals for animal liberationists). Most of the graphics are grayscale or black/white. This allows the storage of tons of images...color files are really big.